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5 Bottles of Wine 5 Bottles of Wine Fall Hive Feeding Jam Back_of_Winery Salsa on Shelf Joanna Cherry Harvest Currants Pressing_Currants
-- taste the goodness --
get in touch

Forest Fringe Orchards Winery Grand Opening Saturday, July 8th 2017

Genevieve and I would like to invite you to our Wineries Grand Opening Saturday, July 8th 2017, 11 am to 3 pm.

We chose this Saturday since it is in the middle of Strawberry season and we wanted to Thank all of our U-Pick patrons that have supported us over the last 12 years. Yes its been 12 years since our first Strawberry U-Pick opened.

We are planning a Hamburger, Chicken Burger, Smokie, BBQ and will have a tent with tables setup, just encase it decides to rain that day.

Half of the proceeds will be donated to a charity

We look forward to seeing you that weekend.

Questions about the event please call Genevieve 306 929 2091.

Thank You from Genevieve and Will

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